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Avoid 7 Mistakes to Improve WordPress Blog or Website

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In this article, we will discuss how to avoid 7 mistakes to improve WordPress blog or website. As we know WordPress is one of the best and faster open sources CMS (Content Management System). Which is easier to get setup in just a few clicks, you will have surely a fully functional dynamic website or e-commerce site up and running within few moments.

Dashboards, SEO settings, and many more readymade components are the real helpful components for the developers, but very much sensitive and intolerant to any silly mistake. Any single mistake may put the status of the web project down from the required level.

Improper Hosting Server Type

A WordPress website functions well when you install it on right hosting servers and you will get the best output of the website made up of WordPress. You must have surfed on the different hosting servers available on the web and must get solid feedback from the current users.

In this way, your WordPress website passes the hosting configuration and compatibility issues. Especially, the beginner WordPress users should have consultancy from an experienced user. So, choosing high-quality hosting server is the first and foremost solution for the WordPress website.

You Don’t Have a CDN and Cache Plugin

A well designed CDN (Content Delivery Network) speeds up the WordPress site. If you don’t have a CDN, it may slow down the speed of response of the website. When a visitor accesses a page, the same would be served by CDN server instead of original server to reduce the burden on hosting server and speed up the response time of the website.

A cache plugin helps maintain a copy of the browsed pages of the website so that the pages will be loaded up instantly by the users. So, make sure you have cache plugin (Breeze) along with CDN plugin.

Not Conducted Stress-Test and Default Username Issues

After having appropriate cache plugin and CDN in required place, the stress test of your website is mandatory to keep the website ready for the web traffic. The stress test comes with various tools to test the load on the resources of the WordPress website. You need to resolve all issues come out from the test.

WordPress makes the username ‘admin’ by default and you can change it from Dashboard by creating a new user and can assign it to an Administrator.

Not Using Latest Version & No Responsive Design

If you are not using the latest version 4.9.5 version of WordPress, just get the same downloaded and update your current setup. The security point of your website will be stronger than the before and the developer will have more opportunity for latest features. If your website is not designed on the responsive platform, just make that responsive to get accessed by both desktop and mobile users.

Downloading Themes from Any Source & Forget to Backup

Don’t opt for downloading the free WordPress theme from anywhere and it may cause your website downgraded. You are advised to download themes from the reputed sites. If you’re not backing up on your web pages regularly, your website is incompletely unsecured status. So, it’s mandatory to practice back up activity.

You have Unoptimized Images or pages & Blocked Search Engine Indexing

All the Images of a web page look cool but cost higher for their stunning quality. If you are loading numerous bigger size images without thinking about loading time of the respective web pages. Hence, for faster browsing of web pages, you must optimize the images through image optimization plugin – WP

Never forget to enable WordPress website pages to get indexed by search engines. Sometimes developers disable this indexing feature at the time of development to prevent indexing of half-built webs pages or websites. So, they must enable search engine indexing on the accomplishment of web page development.

Forget to Configure Google Analytics

Most WordPress users forget or do not install Google Analytics after installing WordPress plugins and after the development of web pages. Even though JetPack is enough, but Google Analytics records your traffic details and helps you understand the real status of your website content.

Other Mistakes

You should use a proper ratio of Categories and Tags at the time coding in the WordPress website. As WordPress plugin facilitates the easier creation of categories and tags, you should use the opportunities well. Also, don’t forget to add a contact form and use it at several places in the web pages. You can use Contact Form 7 to achieve your form needs, It’s easy and much simpler to implement.


Hope, the above article helps the developer avoid severe mistakes at the time of building a WordPress website. You can explore more on the web for more information on WordPress website development and need to have consultancy from an experienced user. Feel free to comment for any query.

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