How to Create AWS IAM User with Programmatic Access
In this article, we will discuss “How to create AWS IAM user with programmatic access”. Programmatic Access user is required if we want to control AWS services from the command line interface (AWS CLI) or working with the SDK. AWS provides SDK for different languages such as PHP, Python, NodeJs and etc. When we create a programmatic access user, then AWS provides the AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Access Key. These are used by AWS CLI tools to authenticate to AWS and execute your commands. Similarly, for AWS official SDK use the same to authenticate AWS.
If you don’t have an AWS account, go ahead and create an AWS account. AWS provides most of the services under free tier plan, you can check here for more.
Steps to create AWS IAM user with programmatic access
Go to AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) console, and from the left side menu click on the users. After that click on “Add User”.
Create a new “User name” and allow “Programmatic access”, and click on “Next: Permissions”.
Select “Attach existing policies directly” and in the search box write SNS, allow “AmazonSNSFullAccess” and click “Next:Tags”. Here, you can add policy as per your requirement
Although this part this is optional for the simply I just keep it simple. You can skip this point or create a tag as shown in the following screenshot.
Reviews the IAM user settings and permissions then click on “Crete user”.
Congratulate you successfully create AWS Access key and Secret access key. Download the key file and open the file in your favorite text editor. Keep them secret and safe.
Note that If you lose or forget your secret key, you cannot retrieve it. Instead, create a new access key and make the old key inactive.
I hope you enjoyed this article. Thank you for going through this post, hope this will helps you in your development. I will be glad if you can share this post on social network. Feel free to share your suggestions and queries in the comments area. I will share more on AWS services in my coming articles 🙂
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