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How to Make WordPress Secure

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In this article, we will discuss “how to make WordPress secure”. Lots of websites owner complain about WordPress security.  As everybody thought, an open source script is vulnerable to security attacks. It’s our responsibility to make WordPress secure. Now, the question is how can we make it secure?

No dought, WordPress is a secure platform, but you need to care about the security of your WordPress website. Security enhancements are easily available, and also easy to implement. WordPress developers are dedicated to providing a best and secure CMS, so they frequently release security updates and patches. That patches will be automatically downloaded and installed on your site.

Today, I plan to discuss a few simple WordPress tips that can help you to secure your WordPress website. After following given tips, you’ll be able to make your WordPress website or blog secure.

Let me clear one thing, none of the platforms are 100% secure. But you can enhance your website security. WordPress is used widely and most easy to learn CMS. Approximately, WordPress covering more than 30% market of the web.

Tips to make your WordPress website secure

Switch to HTTPS

Make sure you have enabled https (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure). If still, you are not using https then plan for it. This will impact your readers or users very well and they confidently use your site. Also, users will feel very much secure.

I know this will increase your budget. But today, lots of hosting providers offer free and inbuilt SSL integrations. If not then you can go with Let’s Encrypt SSL.

Secure Login Credentials

Login credentials are playing a strong role in security. I will suggest you make strong username and password for your WordPress site.

Also, avoid the use of common name and admin as your site username. Because these are easily predictable. You need to make a strong password with a combination of digits, special characters, capital, and small characters.

Rename or Change Your Login URL


We already know the default way to use the login page. Similarly, hackers know the direct URL of the login page. Maybe your site receives any type of brute force attack at any time. At this point, you can replace your login URL with new URL and reduce around 99% of direct brute force attack.

You can achieve this via a plugin or custom coding. Some of the technique mentioned below:

  1. You can use wps hide plugin, it’s an open source and very light plugin. It will easily change the URL of the login form page to anything you want.
  2. Some of the security plugins offer this functionality to hide the login URL.

We will discuss more technique in our future posts.

Two-Factor Authentication

Use of Two-factor authentication will boost your WordPress site security. It involves using a smartphone or other device to verify the authentication. The process of 2-factor authentication is very simple. First, you will submit your login credentials. Then, a unique verification code will be sent to your mobile device. This code will need to fill in the form to complete the authentication process.

You can easily add this feature to your WordPress site using some of the below mention plugins.

Two-factor Authentication

Google Authenticator – WordPress Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

Use DB Prefix

Change your database prefix at the time of WordPress installation. Because I already mention that default values are easily trackable by hackers. You need to change DB prefix as per your project or something else, which should not easy to track.

Original Theme and Plugins

It’s most important to use the genuine theme and plugins. Don’t use any of the nulled scripts in your WordPress site. Because nulled scripts contain lots of malicious code and they will infect your site any time. Use of the nulled script is an open invitation to the hackers.

Backup Your Site Regularly

It is a good habit to take a backup of your WordPress site regularly. This will reduce the risk of losing data or website. For example: if you take the regular backup, then you can use this backup any time to recover your website. Hosting companies provide the automatic backup feature with some of its plans. If you are not aware of your host, then go and check this with your hosting provider.

Stable and reliable Security Plugins

Security plugins are playing an important role in WordPress security. You need to choose a stable and reliable security plugin.

Some of the best security plugins are given below:


In this article, we will discuss some of the tips to make WordPress secure. We will discuss more on the WordPress security. Please feel free to add the comments if any query or you can submit your feedback 🙂

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