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What is Python? It’s Features, Advantages & Limitations

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In this article, we will discuss What is Python? Its features & advantages of Python. We are trying to cover the basic of python if any query then feels free to add comments.

About Python Tutorials

Everyone knows Python as the latest dynamic and OOPS language, broadly used for development of different levels of web applications. Around 91% of people would like Python for web application design and development purpose due to plainness, easy interfacing and easy to use and. You will also get both potential scripting and quick application development procedure with readymade tools.

Python also provides valuable tools that help to design and develop applications with Z level security and result levels. Significantly, Python follows practical and OOPS coding. Hence, the wide-ranged applications designed through Python come out with clear and understandable code. It’s also easier to maintain them.

Python is the best choice for the scripting language based web applications. Likewise, many other programming languages, Python provide better flexibility than compiled languages, and integrate different systems together. In fact, Python is a resourceful programming language with numerous applications that are valuable in diverse fields.

History of Python

Python is an interpretative, interactive, oops and top-level programming language. In 1991, it was founded by Guido van Rossum. Python source code is also registered under the GNU GPL (General Public License) like perl.

Python is a high-level, understandable and genuine-purpose dynamic web programming language that targets on readability of code. The Python syntax assists the programmers to code in lesser steps than C++ or Java. Therefore, many bigger organizations choose Python for its multiple programming performances. Python involves essential and object-oriented programming with wide-ranging and great typical library that has regular memory and dynamic skin tone.

Why Companies Prefer Python?

As Python performs better than C++, C, and Java, it is broadly utilized by the programmers. Since, the language has come with the drastic changes in its latest version 3.5, most of the programmers love to use Python on different OS like UNIX, Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.

Challenging features

  • Interpreted & Interactive
  • Modular
  • Dynamic & High level
  • Object-oriented & Portable
  • Extensible in C++ & C

Advantages of Python


Python develops various web services by integrating the Enterprise Application by invoking COBRA and COM components. It calls through Java, C++, or C via Jython. Python also compiles XML, HTML and other markup languages on all advanced OS through the equal byte code.

Wide-Ranging Support Libraries

It makes an available great set of libraries that come in different areas such as the Internet, string operations, operating system interfaces, web service tools, and protocols. Thus, several significant programming tasks are scripted into it that restricts the length of the codes to be made in Python.

The Growth of Programmer’s Productivity

Python increases the productivity of the programmers with broad support libraries and clean object-oriented designs. Definitely, the Python programmers provide a faster and efficient output than the programmers of VB, C, Java, C++, Perl, and C#.

Best Productivity

It provides the best productivity in the industry with its powerful process integration characteristic, unit test framework and the amplified speed and efficiency of applications. It is a suitable option for developing scalable and multi-protocol added network applications.

Some sample codes of Python


# This code subtracts 2 numbers

def subtract(p,q):
   return p-q

#This code adds 2 numbers

def add(p, y):
   return p+q

# This code multiplies 2 numbers

def multiply(p, q):
   return p*q

# This code divides 2 numbers

def divide(p, q):
   return p/q

print("Select function.")

# Accepting input from the end-user

select = input("Select(1/2/3/4):")
no1 = int(input("Enter 1st no.: "))
no2 = int(input("Enter 2nd no: "))
If select == '1':
print(no1,"-",no2,"=", subtract(no1,no2))
elif select == '2':
print(no1,"+",no2,"=", add(no1,no2))
elif select == '3':
print(no1,"*",no2,"=", multiply(no1,no2))
elif select == '4':
print(no1,"/",no2,"=", divide(no1,no2))
print("Wrong input")

Select function.
Select(1/2/3/4): 4
Enter 1st number: 20
Enter 2nd number: 4

Limitations of Python

Even though, there are numerous advantages, but, this language doesn’t have much scope for ERP packages. It’s difficult to work together with other languages because of declaring variable “types” and cast “values”. It’s also weak in Mobile Computing. As python uses the interpreter in the place of a compiler, the execution of result will be slower.


Finally, the readers must have some constructive idea about the use of the libraries, interpreters and integration factors of Python application. Now, they can work independently with the Python programming language and can develop best web applications. Most of the important feature of Python is it’s easy to maintain in future and can be edited easily for any small or major changes. Hope, this article helps the all the needy person.

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