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Create Time Slots in PHP for Given Time

In this article, we will discuss "Create Time Slots in Php". Check the following code snippet. With this code, we can create time slots for a given interval and time range. function getTimeSlot($interval, $start_time, $end_time) {…

Laravel Socialite GitHub Login (Part 3)

In this article, we will discuss "Laravel Socialite GitHub Login". In this Laravel Socialite series, we already discussed Twitter and LinkedIn social login in our previous articles. Laravel Socialite GitHub Login Prerequisites You need to…

Laravel Socialite LinkedIn Login (Part 2)

In this article, we will discuss "Laravel Socialite LinkedIn Login". We already discuss the Laravel Socialite in our previous post, where we describe the Twitter login process. So in this post, we will not be discussing the common process.…

Laravel Socialite Twitter Login (Part-1)

In this article, we will discuss "Laravel Socialite Twitter Login". As we already discussed, Laravel is not only PHP framework. It's like a lifesaver tool for the developer. If you are new in Laravel then you can start with our previous…

Modern PHP Security Excellent Benefits

In this article, we will discuss "Modern PHP Security Excellent Benefits". PHP significantly reduces many things like security issues, time issues, and garbage issues throughout the development of projects. It links well to the database…

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