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Laravel 5.6 API Authentication Passport

In this article, we will discuss the Laravel 5.6 API Authentication Passport. Laravel provides an easy way to perform authentication and API's use tokens to authenticate the user. Because API's not maintains any session between request.In…

Laravel 5.6 Custom Token Base API Authentication

In this article, we will discuss how to create Laravel 5.6 Custom Token Base API Authentication. As we discuss the JWT Auth in our previous article. But Laravel is open to creating a custom authentication for our API's. I’m assuming you are…

Laravel 5.6 JWT Auth for API

In this article, we will discuss Laravel 5.6 JWT Auth. Firstly, you need to know what is JWT. JWT (JSON Web Tokens), it allows us to represent user data in a secure manner. JWT Authentication is used when we work with API. When user sign-in…

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Unique Alphanumeric String in PHP

In this article, we will discuss how to create a unique alphanumeric string in PHP. We are creating a PHP function which creates a unique string contains letter and number (alphanumeric) with the character limit. These kinds of unique…

Handle Query Logging – Laravel 5.6

In this article, we will discuss how to handle query logging in Laravel. I'm assuming you are much familiar with the Laravel as you are reading this. Laravel optionally log all queries that have been running in the current request in…

Handling Emails in Laravel Mailable

In this article, We will discuss how to handle Emails with Laravel Mailable.Before proceeding, I'm assuming you are familiar with the basics of the Laravel framework. If no then you can start with given articles.Laravel Setup…

Laravel 5 Export to PDF using laravel-dompdf

In this article, we will discuss Laravel 5 Export to PDF. I will show an example, so you can easily generate a pdf file for your Laravel App. We will create pdf from a view, in this view, we will write the HTML code and load data…

Basic Use of Model Factories in Laravel

In this article, we will discuss the basic use of Model Factories in Laravel. Laravel comes with the feature called model factories that are offered to made fake models quickly. It's used in the database testing and database seeding. Let's…

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