Tech Magazine

Handling Emails in Laravel Mailable

In this article, We will discuss how to handle Emails with Laravel Mailable.Before proceeding, I'm assuming you are familiar with the basics of the Laravel framework. If no then you can start with given articles.Laravel Setup…

All You Need To Know About Angular CLI

In this article, we will discuss the basics of Angular CLI. Angular CLI provides an easy way to start with any Angular project. It comes with commands that help us to create and start the Angular project fastly. Let go through with the…

Laravel 5 Export to PDF using laravel-dompdf

In this article, we will discuss Laravel 5 Export to PDF. I will show an example, so you can easily generate a pdf file for your Laravel App. We will create pdf from a view, in this view, we will write the HTML code and load data…

Complete Datatable Setup

In this article, we will discuss the complete Datatable Setup. In this tutorial, I will show you how to setup server-side ajax record, pagination, responsive tables, column visibility control and most important the use button extensions.…

Laravel 5 Export Data in Excel and CSV

In this article, we will discuss Laravel 5 Export Data Excel/CSV. To achieve this functionality, we are using "Maatwebsite/Laravel-Excel" package. Here I will explain you step by step to export the data to Excel or CSV as per your needs.…

Basic Use of Model Factories in Laravel

In this article, we will discuss the basic use of Model Factories in Laravel. Laravel comes with the feature called model factories that are offered to made fake models quickly. It's used in the database testing and database seeding. Let's…

Angular Overview

In this article, we will discuss basic angular overview. Angular Js is a javascript based open sourced framework and used to build single page application. It's maintained by Google and the community of individuals developers. Angular…

Handling Laravel Pagination

In this article, we will discuss how to handle Laravel Pagination. Laravel paginator is integrated with the query builder and Eloquent ORM. It provides an easy way to handle the pagination of database results on the query builder or an…

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